Name of idea: Unique Card

Author: Vesna Janjilović, , Kristina Vučkovska, Maja Markočič, Anja Hrvatin, Ula Klobučar
Industry: Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet Country: Slovenia Sign up date: 20.01.2015


Nowadays, almost every store shopping card benefits, so more and more people are experiencing problems associated with too many cards, such as the lack of transparency and lack of space in your wallet, causing congestion and intolerance at the tills in finding an appropriate card ...

By using cards Unique Card please be assured that such problems will not have more!

For our business idea stands a team consisting of five members. We developed the card Unique Card, which combines several shopping loyalty cards. Users can tab to quickly and easily upload any number of stores through our website or terminals are positioned in major shopping centers. Obtaining a card is easy, because it is necessary to fill in form only in electronic or physical form. Users have the possibility of ordering the card's design you desire!

The company's goal Unique doo is to obtain as many card users both in the domestic and foreign markets and are using Unique Card lead to less inconvenience when shopping.

Market research has shown that our idea of ​​great potential, since such a product in Slovenia yet! It is intended for all ages generations, because it is very practical to use and brings a lot of benefits collected in one place.
