Name of idea: Aplikacija za pomoč pri javnih nastopih

Author: valentina petan, Jasna Auer Antončič, Katarina Rataj, Mojca Bezgovšek, Tamina Rebol, Medina Bajrić
Industry: Software publishing Country: Slovenia Sign up date: 17.01.2015


Company Center Board Ltd. was founded with the aim of everyone who lives in forced public speaking, whether it's for school, college or business life easier with our application.
Application of Red App allows the user to a wider crowd of listeners to read or presentation. with her help, because the application is able to record voice, and delete what the reader already read or. said. With this we want users to alleviate fear and tension before public appearances since the application allows the presentation without previous preparation.

The company's goal is to achieve within one year the European market. Given the fact that our product is completely unique and primary competition does, we expect to be our goal can be reached. The world is a fear of public appearances by one of the most common phobias, so we expect a large number of customers, mostly companies, thus we provide a large market share.

The company will favor customers to obtain the representations of our applications. At major shopping companies will be presented to users of our employees all the capabilities of our applications, how easy it is to use, and there will also be for any questions. Given that our application is available on Google Play and App Store to all potential buyers within easy reach, as well as the payment of a fee simple and possible from the comfort of your own home. Application, a user may be imposed on a smart phone, tablet PC or PDA.

To start a business, application development and hiring professionals will need € 50,000. We expect that our investment will be repaid in the first two years of operation. In later years, when our company acquired the reputation and recognition in the business world and the world of education, we expect an increase in profit by 60%.
